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<H3> Breaking News </H3> |
<H3> What If Both Political Parties Worked For The Same Federal Reserve Bank and Corporations? </H3> |
<H3> NoDAPL Protestor Faces Possible Loss Of Her Arm After Police Attack </H3> |
<H3> Shock: Fracking Used to Inject Nuclear Waste Underground for Decades </H3> |
<H3> Taxpayers To Fund System To Remove Radiation In Water After Feds Fracking Cover Up Exposed </H3> |
<H3> Who Does The EPA Actually Protect? Proposal Would Allow Radioactive Contamination in Drinking Water Equal to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year </H3> |
<H3> Flashback 1936: Sovereign Americans Pledged as Collateral on Government Debt to the Federal Reserve </H3> |
<H3> Oceans Without Fish? The Race for Profits is Killing Our Oceans </H3> |
<H3> Non-Compliance With a Fraudulent System, Why I’m Not Voting For The Lesser Of Two Evils </H3> |
<H3> Do Americans Live In A False Reality Created By Orchestrated Events? </H3> |
<H3> The Deadly Price Of Environmental Activism – 991 Activists Were Murdered in 35 Countries Between 2002 and 2014 </H3> |
<H3> United States – The Illusion Of Choice, The Reality Of Fraud – Video Proof Elections Are Rigged </H3> |
<H3> How Your Social Security Money Was Stolen – Where Did The $2.5 Trillion Surplus Go? </H3> |
<H3> Plume Gate: Media Silent Over Feds Fukushima Coverup </H3> |
<H3> US Military Warns Personnel Contacting Wikileaks, Assange Face Execution </H3> |
<H3> Who Does The EPA Actually Protect? Proposal Would Allow Radioactive Contamination in Drinking Water Equal to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year </H3> |
<H3> Great Lakes Nuclear Waste Dump? Ontario Power Generation Plans To Bury and Abandon Radioactive Nuclear Waste Next To Your Water Supply </H3> |
<H3> Indian Point 2 Nuclear Spent Fuel Pools Cracked – Uncontrolled Leaks of Radioactive Liquid Have Reached The Hudson River </H3> |
<H3> Video: Nuclear Fire and Explosions at Radioactive Waste Dump 90 Miles From Las Vegas – Why Didn’t They Evacuate The Town? </H3> |
<H3> What Does 2,853 Containers Of Nuclear Waste Look Like On Paper? </H3> |
<H3> Shock: Fracking Used to Inject Nuclear Waste Underground for Decades </H3> |
<H3> Taxpayers To Fund System To Remove Radiation In Water After Feds Fracking Cover Up Exposed </H3> |
<H3> Rivers Run Black In Peruvian Amazon After Multiple Oil Spills – Thousands With No Fresh Water </H3> |
<H3> Porter Ranch Gas Leak Spewing Deadly Uranium 238, Radon, Benzene, Formaldehyde and Methane – Media Cover-Up </H3> |
<H3> Shell Oil Abandons Arctic Oil and Gas Exploration – For Now </H3> |
<H3> NoDAPL Protestor Faces Possible Loss Of Her Arm After Police Attack </H3> |
<H3> Are You Chatting With A CIA Agent Online? It’s Possible You May Already Have </H3> |
<H3> Silencing Dissent In America: How Bipartisan Complicity Is Destroying Our Freedom </H3> |
<H3> NEW VIDEO ANALYSIS: LaVoy Finicum Was Shot And Killed By FBI In Cold Blood With Hands Above His Head </H3> |
<H3> What Every Twitter User Needs to Know – Twitter Now Being Censored – You No Longer Have Free Speech </H3> |
<H3> Brussels Bombing Another False Flag Excuse To Create Police State </H3> |
<H3> Governments ADMIT That They Carry Out False Flag Terror </H3> |
<H3> The New Sandy Hook Documentary “The Life of Adam” – Sandy Hook Was a False Flag Operation </H3> |
<H3> Canada Sells Weapons to State Sponsor of Terrorism: Class Action Law Suit against Ottawa over $15 Billion Saudi Arms Deal </H3> |
<H3> ANALYSIS: Chipotle Is A Victim Of Corporate Sabotage – Biotech Industry Planting E-Coli In Retaliation For Restaurant’s Anti-GMO Menu </H3> |
<H3> Noam Chomsky: Your Opinion Has No Detectable Influence On The Policies Of Your Elected Representatives </H3> |
<H3> Video: President Barack Obama Dances The Tango in Argentina While Rest Of The World Goes To Sh*t </H3> |
<H3> Great Lakes Water To Be Sold To China As Half Of U.S. Faces Extreme Water Crisis </H3> |
<H3> The Gray State Is Coming – By Consent Or By Conquest (Video) Americans Quarantined To Militarized Districts </H3> |
<H3> Why #OccupyWallStreet? Because We All Know We Are Being Robbed By The Banks </H3> |
<H3> Obama Admin & UN Announce Global Police Force </H3> |
<H3> Flashback: Russia Kills US-Backed Syrian Rebels In Second Day Of Air Strikes As Iran Prepares For Ground Offensive </H3> |
<H3> Report: Water Shortages To Spark Global Unrest, US Privatizing Supplies </H3> |
<H3> Cell Phone Censors To Monitor UN Arms Control Treaty Violations </H3> |
<H3> Lawmakers Suspect Money Laundering Issues At Wal-Mart </H3> |
<H3> Oceans Without Fish? The Race for Profits is Killing Our Oceans </H3> |
<H3> Astounding: 1947 Video of 26,000 Sea Turtles Nesting vs. Decline Since BP Oil Spill </H3> |
<H3> Massive Santa Barbara Oil Spill 2015 Killing Ocean Life in Protected Sanctuary </H3> |
<H3> Marine Die-Offs, Polar Bears Losing Fur And Sick Animals In Alaska As Radiation Hits West Coast </H3> |
<H3> U.S. Law Allows Chemical and Biological Warfare Agent Testing On Civilian Populations </H3> |
<H3> FDA Documents Admit Vaccines Are Linked To Autism </H3> |
<H3> Groups Sue FDA Over Approval of Genetically Engineered Salmon </H3> |
<H3> If This Meat Was From a Cloned Animal, Would You Eat It? </H3> |
<H3> How Monsanto Hijacked A Science Journal To Destroy Scientific Research Linking GMOs And Glyphosate To Cancer </H3> |
<H3> This Is Healthcare? U.S. Medical System Kills 400K Hospital Patients Every Year and is the Most Expensive in the World. </H3> |
<H3> Latests News </H3> |
<H3> What If Both Political Parties Worked For The Same Federal Reserve Bank and Corporations? </H3> |
<H3> NoDAPL Protestor Faces Possible Loss Of Her Arm After Police Attack </H3> |
<H3> Shock: Fracking Used to Inject Nuclear Waste Underground for Decades </H3> |
<H3> Taxpayers To Fund System To Remove Radiation In Water After Feds Fracking Cover Up Exposed </H3> |
<H3> Who Does The EPA Actually Protect? Proposal Would Allow Radioactive Contamination in Drinking Water Equal to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year </H3> |
<H3> Flashback 1936: Sovereign Americans Pledged as Collateral on Government Debt to the Federal Reserve </H3> |
<H3> Oceans Without Fish? The Race for Profits is Killing Our Oceans </H3> |
<H3> Noam Chomsky: Your Opinion Has No Detectable Influence On The Policies Of Your Elected Representatives </H3> |
<H3> 6 Examples Of Divide And Conquer – What You Can Do To Wake People Up </H3> |
<H3> WHAT? title 28 USC 3002 Section 15 – THE UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION and Not a Government </H3> |
<H3> Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation </H3> |
<H3> Non-Compliance With a Fraudulent System, Why I’m Not Voting For The Lesser Of Two Evils </H3> |
<H3> Corporate Media </H3> |
<H3> What If Both Political Parties Worked For The Same Federal Reserve Bank and Corporations? </H3> |
<H3> U.S. Government Controls And Censors Nearly Every Major Media Outlet </H3> |
<H3> Politicians Use a “Rent a Crowd” Company to Give Illusion of Support </H3> |
<H3> Bush Admits Government Plants Fake News Stories For Political Agendas </H3> |
<H3> Video Proof: Election Fraud – The Sad State Of Democracy In The United States </H3> |
<H3> Fukushima Nuclear Disaster </H3> |
<H3> Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: 5 Years Into Infinity (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) </H3> |
<H3> “Maximum Alert” Japan Nuclear Reactor Core Breach Leaking Plutonium – “3 Raging Nuclear Meltdowns In Progress” </H3> |
<H3> Rainwater in California Measured 181 Times The Acceptable Limit For Drinking Water </H3> |
<H3> Experts: Fukushima ‘Worse’ Than Chernobyl -Tokyo Evacuation Can No Longer Be Ingored </H3> |
<H3> Top US Officials: Japan Nuclear Reactor #4 Completely Breached, In Full Meltdown, Releasing Lethal Radiation – US Expands Evacuation Area To 50 Miles </H3> |
<H3> Positive News & Activism </H3> |
<H3> 6 Examples Of Divide And Conquer – What You Can Do To Wake People Up </H3> |
<H3> Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation </H3> |
<H3> How To Defeat Tyranny – 8 Rules For A Free Country </H3> |
<H3> Photos: 3.6 Million People in Brazil Take to the Streets Demanding Presidents Impeachment, Expose Government Corruption </H3> |
<H3> Watch TV Funhouse Segment SNL Banned in 1998 -Conspiracy Theory Rock </H3> |
<H3> Economy / Fraud </H3> |
<H3> Flashback 1936: Sovereign Americans Pledged as Collateral on Government Debt to the Federal Reserve </H3> |
<H3> WHAT? title 28 USC 3002 Section 15 – THE UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION and Not a Government </H3> |
<H3> Are You Better Off Than 4 Years Ago? 40 Statistics That Will Absolutely Shock You </H3> |
<H3> Flashback: The Top Ten U.S. Corporate Tax Avoiders </H3> |
<H3> Nestle Continues Stealing World’s Water During Drought </H3> |
<H3> HNN Archives </H3> |
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<H4> What If Both Political Parties Worked For The Same Federal Reserve Bank and Corporations? </H4> |
<H4> U.S. Government Controls And Censors Nearly Every Major Media Outlet </H4> |
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